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placeholder="انتخاب فهرست" :value="searchChartActiveSchemaGetter" :options="searchChartSchemaGetter" @select="onSelectNavigation" :hide-selected="false" :max-height="200" id="repositories-desktop" > </multiselect> --> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 order-2 order-lg-1 col-lg-7 d-flex align-items-end justify-content-center" > <div class="nav-tabs-container nav-tabs border-bottom-0"> <ul class="nav"> <li class="nav-item desktop" v-for="(navItem, index) in searchChartActiveSchemaGetter?.items" :key="index" > <button :title="navItem.label" type="button" @click.prevent="updateCategoryList(navItem, index)" class="btn nav-link" :class="{ active: searchChartActiveTabGetter?.key == navItem.key, }" > {{ navItem.label }} </button> </li> <li class="nav-item mobile tabs-more-btn d-md-none" v-if="searchChartActiveSchemaGetter?.items?.length > 3" > <div class="dropdown"> <button class="btn" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" > <svg class="icon icon-Component-81--1"> <use xlink:href="#icon-Component-81--1"></use> </svg> </button> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" > <a class="dropdown-item" @click.prevent="updateCategoryList(navItem, index)" v-for="( navItem, index ) in searchChartActiveSchemaGetter?.items" :key="index" :class="{ active: searchChartActiveTabGetter?.key == navItem.key, }" >{{ navItem.label }}</a > </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col"> <div class="d-flex pt-1 pb-2 justify-content-center custom-filter-container" > <div v-if="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase" class="d-flex align-items-center" > <label for="choose-filter" class="d-none d-lg-inline label-change no-wrap ms-1" >{{ searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.label }}</label > <USelectMenu v-model="schemaFilters" :options="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.items" :placeholder="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.label" @update:model-value="changeFilter" > </USelectMenu> <!-- <multiselect :searchable="true" :close-on-select="true" :show-labels="false" label="label" track-by="key" :placeholder="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.label" v-model="schemaFilters" :options="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.items" @select="changeFilter" :hide-selected="false" :max-height="200" openDirection="rtl" id="chart-base" > <label slot="noResult">موردی پیدا نشد.</label> </multiselect> --> </div> <div v-if="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartType" class="d-flex align-items-center" > <label for="filter-chart" class="d-none d-lg-inline me-2 label-change no-wrap ms-1" >{{ searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartType?.label }}:</label > <USelectMenu v-model="pieModel" :options="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.items" :placeholder="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartType?.label" @update:model-value="changeChart" > </USelectMenu> <!-- <multiselect :allow-empty="false" :searchable="true" :close-on-select="true" :show-labels="false" label="chartName" track-by="chartkey" :placeholder="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartType?.label" v-model="pieModel" :options="searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartType?.items" @select="changeChart" :hide-selected="false" :max-height="200" id="chart-type" > </multiselect> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-8 col-lg-3 filter-list-container" :class="{ expanded: showFilter }" > <div class="mobile-mode"> <button class="btn" @click.prevnet="showFilter = !showFilter"> <svg v-if="showFilter" class="icon icon-chevron-double-right ms-1" > <use xlink:href="#icon-chevron-double-right"></use> </svg> <svg v-else class="icon icon-chevron-double-left"> <use xlink:href="#icon-chevron-double-left"></use> </svg> <!-- بستن فیلتر --> </button> </div> <chart-filter-list v-if="showInCharts" :key="componentCounter" :listFilter="listFilter" :activeTabGetter="searchChartActiveSchemaGetter" @hide-panel="showToggleListPanel()" @changeAmplify="onChangeAmplify" @changeType="onChangeType" @changeCode="onChangeCode" @filterUpdate="filterUpdate" ></chart-filter-list> </div> <div class="col"> <div v-if="canView"> <ChartContent :activeTabGetter="searchChartActiveSchemaGetter" :schemaFilters="schemaFilters" :selectedCategory="schemaFilters?.key" :dataChart="dataChart" :chartComponentName="chartComponentName" class="ChartContent" ></ChartContent> </div> <no-data v-else> <p class="text-center p-3">عدم دسترسی</p> </no-data> </div> </div> </div> </SearchLayout> </template> <script> import { mapState, mapActions } from "pinia"; import searchApis from "@search/apis/searchApi"; import chartType from "@search/json/search/chart.json"; import sidbarMenuDefault from "@search/json/search/menu.json"; import sidbarMenuMin from "@search/json/search/sidbarMenuMin.json"; import tableActions from "@search/json/search/listTableContextMenu"; import { useSearchStore } from "@search/stores/searchStore"; import { useCommonStore } from "~/stores/commonStore"; export default { name: "searchChart", setup() { useHead({ title: import.meta.env.VITE_ENTITY_PAGE_TITLE, meta: [{ name: "description", content: "My page description" }], bodyAttrs: { class: import.meta.env.VITE_SEARCH_PAGE_TITLE, }, }); definePageMeta({ layout: false, name: "searchChart", }); }, mounted() { let schemaExist = this.searchChartActiveTabGetter && this.searchChartSchemaGetter; if (schemaExist) { this.dataBankSelectValue = this.searchChartActiveSchemaGetter; this.schemaFilters = this.searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartBase?.items[0]; this.pieModel = this.searchChartActiveTabGetter?.chartType?.items[0]; // when component load, setting default chart component to load based on the active tab. this.chartComponentName = this.searchChartActiveTabGetter.componentName; this.intiChartData(); } else this.getSchemas(); if (window.outerWidth < 992) { this.$store.commit("TOGGLE_SIDEBAR_MENU"); } if (this.searchChartActiveTabGetter?.key == "tree-graph") { this.showInCharts = false; } else { this.showInCharts = true; } }, data() { return { dataBankSelectValue: {}, searchingState: false, showFilter: false, listFilter: [], dataChart: [], chartComponentName: chartType[0].componentName, pieModel: undefined, schemaFilters: undefined, listAmplify: [], // addressBarUrl: null, viewMode: "table", tableTitle: " فهرست کدهای تقیح 51 گانه / آمار، برنامه و بودجه ", changePageFilter: "", lastSearchInListMode: true, showfilterCategory: true, activeListItem: undefined, treeLists: "", filterUrl: "", page: 0, activeTab: "", // activeTab: null, fetchingDataForExport: false, componentCounter: 1, selectedNavigationIndex: undefined, selectedNavigation: undefined, navigationOptions: [], fields: [], statusPag: "", fieldOne: null, fieldTwo: null, fieldThree: null, listPanelSorting: undefined, listPanelSorting: undefined, tableActions: tableActions, showListPanel: false, showInCharts: true, currentPageName: "list", sidbarMenuDefault: sidbarMenuDefault, sidbarMenuMin: sidbarMenuMin, canView: true, pagination: { pages: 0, total: 0, page: 1, offset: 0, limit: 10, }, fetchingData: false, sorting: { sortby: "id", sortorder: "asc", // asc | desc }, colors: [ "#5470C6", "#d44646", "#008b8b", "#3BA272", "#FC8452", "#9A60B4", "#EA7CCC", "#F59F00", "#ddc4b0", "#73C0DE", "#b333ad", "#e86c6b", "#39cfed", ], currentIndex: 0, }; }, computed: { ...mapState(useCommonStore, [ "currentUser", "organNameGetter", "isSidebarCollapsed", ]), ...mapState(useSearchStore, [ "searchChartSchemaGetter", "searchChartActiveSchemaGetter", "searchChartActiveTabGetter", ]), getTableColumns() { let subjectIndex = this.fields.findIndex( (item) => item.name == "subject" ); this.subjectItemState = false; this.subjectTitle = ""; if ( subjectIndex >= -1 && this.listGetter != undefined && subjectIndex == this.listGetter.length - 1 ) { this.subjectItemState = true; this.subjectTitle = this.listGetter[subjectIndex]?.key; return this.selectedProjectGetter?.table_columns_subject; } return this.selectedProjectGetter?.table_columns; }, repoUrl() { return import.meta.env.VITE_REPO + "/"; }, sidbarMenu() { if (isMajlesBuild()) return this.sidbarMenuMin; else return this.sidbarMenuDefault; }, }, methods: { ...mapActions(useSearchStore, [ "SET_SELECTED_PROJECT", "SET_LIST", "searchChartActiveSchemaSetter", "searchChartSchemaSetter", "searchChartActiveTabSetter", ]), intiChartData() { if ( this.searchChartActiveTabGetter?.key == "tree-graph" // || // this.searchChartActiveTabGetter?.key == "Large-tree-map" ) { this.getListInTree(); } else this.getChartData(); }, async getListInTree() { const payload = { parent: 0, sortby: "id", projectid: this.schemaFilters?.id, listtype: 0, limit: 100, listtype: 0, }; let url = searchApis.chart.tree; try { const { $api } = useNuxtApp(); const res = await $api(url, { baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_REPO_BASE_URL, method: "POST", body: payload, }); this.mainList = res.data; this.dataChart = [ { key_filter: this.schemaFilters?.key_filter, projectId: this.schemaFilters?.id, name: this.schemaFilters?.label, children: this.ConvertDataToTree(this.mainList), item: "Root", id: "0", disabled: true, pid: "Root", opened: true, selected: false, text: "Root", label: { backgroundColor: "#ee6666", }, itemStyle: { color: "#ee6666", }, }, ]; } catch (err) {} }, getNextColor() { // Get the color at the current index const color = this.colors[this.currentIndex]; // Update the index to the next color this.currentIndex = (this.currentIndex + 1) % this.colors.length; return color; }, ConvertDataToTree(list) { var finalList = []; list.forEach((element) => { const color = this.getNextColor(); finalList.push({ value: 0, item: element, value: element.title, name: element.title, text: element.title, id: element.id, pid: element.parent, collapsed: true, children: [], // children: element.children > 0 ? [1] : [], label: { backgroundColor: color, }, itemStyle: { color: color, }, }); }); return finalList; }, // Basic data for all charts async getChartData() { let key = this.searchChartActiveSchemaGetter?.key; let url = this.makeApiUrl(key); // let otherParams = ""; // if (this.addressBarUrl) otherParams = this.addressBarUrl; // url = url + otherParams try { const { $api } = useNuxtApp(); const res = await $api(url); this.listFilter = res.aggregations ?? undefined; if ( this.chartComponentName == "HiChartPie" || this.chartComponentName == "HiChartXy" ) { this.preparePieAndLineData(res); } else if (this.chartComponentName == "MyTimeLine") { this.dataChart = res.result; } else this.dataChart = res.data; } catch (err) { this.dataChart = []; } }, changeChart(e) { if (e.chartName == "دایره ای") { this.chartComponentName = "HiChartPie"; this.pieModel = e; this.getChartData(); } else if (e.chartName == "میله ای") { this.chartComponentName = "HiChartXy"; this.pieModel = e; this.getChartData(); } }, changeFilter() { this.intiChartData(); }, // Set url for getChartData() makeApiUrl(type) { if (this.chartComponentName == "MyTimeLine") { let url = repoUrl() + searchApis.chart.timeline; url = url.replace("{{appname}}", buildName()); url = url.replace("{{index_key}}", type); if (this.filterUrl?.length) { url += "/" + this.filterUrl; } return url; } else if ( this.chartComponentName == "HiChartPie" || this.chartComponentName == "HiChartXy" ) { let url = repoUrl() + searchApis.chart.xy; url = url.replace("{{appname}}", buildName()); url = url.replace("{{index_key}}", type); if (this.schemaFilters?.key) url = url.replace("{{field_key}}", this.schemaFilters?.key); else url = url.replace("/{{field_key}}", ""); if (this.filterUrl?.length) { url += "/" + this.filterUrl; } return url; } else if ( this.chartComponentName == "largeTreeMapChart" || this.chartComponentName == "HiChartTreegraph" ) { let url = ""; let filter = ""; if (this.filterUrl?.length) { filter += this.filterUrl; } url = searchApis.chart.chartTreeMap; url = url.replace("{{chart_key}}", this.schemaFilters?.key); // url = url.replace("{{chart_key}}", this.schemaFilters?.key_filter); if (filter) url = url.replace("{{filter}}", filter); else url = url.replace("/{{filter}}", ""); return url; } else { let field_key = this.navigationItem.name; let url = repoUrl() + searchApis.chart.xy; url = url.replace("{{appname}}", buildName()); url = url.replace("{{index_key}}", type); url = url.replace("{{field_key}}", field_key); // let filter = this.filterUrl; // if (this.textAmplify != undefined && this.textAmplify != "") { // filter += "&o_am=" + this.textAmplify; // } if (this.filterUrl?.length) { url += "/" + this.filterUrl; } return url; } }, // Set data for charts preparePieAndLineData(res) { // this.dataTreeMap = res.data ?? undefined; this.dataChart = res.aggregations.result.buckets.map((item) => { return { name: item.key, y: item.doc_count, }; }); if (res.aggregations.result.sum_other_doc_count > 0) { this.dataChart.push({ name: "-سایر-", y: res.aggregations.result.sum_other_doc_count, }); } }, canSee(keyName) { if (this.currentUser?.user_level > 1) return true; return this.userPermisionGetter.includes(keyName); }, onChangeAmplify(data) { this.amplifyIndex = data; this.changeAmplify(); }, onChangeType(data) { this.searchType = data; this.changeType(); }, onChangeCode(data) { this.searchCode = data; this.changeCode(); }, switchViewMode(mode) { this.viewMode = mode; }, changeHideFilter(event) { if (event === 0) { this.$refs.axis.classList.remove("hiden"); this.$refs.showFilter.classList.toggle("d-none"); this.showButton = false; this.showFilter = true; } else if (event === 1) { this.$refs.axis.classList.add("hiden"); this.$refs.showFilter.classList.toggle("d-none"); this.showButton = true; this.showFilter = false; } }, updateTitle(list) { this.tableTitle = list.title; }, updateCategoryList(navItem, index) { if (navItem.key == "tree-graph") { this.showInCharts = false; } else { this.showInCharts = true; } this.searchChartActiveTabSetter(navItem); this.chartComponentName = navItem.componentName ?? "HiChartPie"; this.schemaFilters = navItem?.chartBase?.items[0] ?? undefined; this.pieModel = navItem?.chartType?.items[0] ?? undefined; // this.activeTab = navItem; // if (navItem.label == "پایش زمانی") { // this.chartComponentName = "MyTimeLine"; // } // else if (navItem.label == "دستهای") // this.chartComponentName = "HiChartPie"; // else if (navItem.label == "درختی موضوعی") // this.chartComponentName = "largeTreeMapChart"; // else if (navItem.label == "تجمیعی موضوعی") // this.chartComponentName = "HiChartTreegraph"; // if (this.chartComponentName == "HiChartTreegraph") this.getListInTree(); // else this.getChartData(); this.intiChartData(); }, listChanged(tags) { let res = []; tags.split(",").forEach((e) => { let i = e.lastIndexOf("_"); if (i != -1) { res.push(e.substring(0, i)); } }); this.setFilterNavigate(res); }, setFilterNavigate(value = []) { this.filterNavigate = value; }, filterUpdate: function (filter) { this.filterUrl = filter; this.page = 0; this.getChartData(); // if (this.searchingState) this.getQuery(false, true); // else this.getDefaultByFilter(); }, async getSchemas(item) { try { const { $api } = useNuxtApp(); const res = await $api(searchApis.schema.list, { baseURL: repoUrl(), method: "POST", body: { organ: this.organNameGetter, system: "navigateChart", build_state: buildState(), }, }); this.searchChartSchemaSetter(res.data.navigateChart); this.searchChartActiveSchemaSetter(res.data.navigateChart[0]); this.searchChartActiveTabSetter(res.data.navigateChart[0].items[0]); this.dataBankSelectValue = this.searchChartActiveSchemaGetter; this.getChartData(); } catch (err) {} }, //mehdi AddToFolder(text) { if (this.selectedProjectGetter.lists.length) { if (text == "positionOne") { let myString = this.selectedProjectGetter.lists[0].items; let myArray1 = myString.split(","); let myArray2 = this.selectedProjectGetter.items; let myArray3 = []; for (let i = 0; i < myArray1.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < myArray2.length; j++) { if (myArray1[i] === myArray2[j].name) { myArray3.push(myArray2[j]); break; } } } this.fieldOne = myArray3[0]; this.fieldTwo = myArray3[1]; this.fieldThree = myArray3[2]; setTimeout(() => { this.onComboChanged(); this.componentCounter++; }, 300); } else if (text == "positionTow") { let myString = this.selectedProjectGetter.lists[1].items; let myArray1 = myString.split(","); let myArray2 = this.selectedProjectGetter.items; let myArray3 = []; for (let i = 0; i < myArray1.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < myArray2.length; j++) { if (myArray1[i] === myArray2[j].name) { myArray3.push(myArray2[j]); break; } } } this.fieldOne = myArray3[0]; this.fieldTwo = myArray3[1]; this.fieldThree = myArray3[2]; setTimeout(() => { this.onComboChanged(); this.componentCounter++; }, 300); } else { let myString = this.selectedProjectGetter.lists[2].items; let myArray1 = myString.split(","); let myArray2 = this.selectedProjectGetter.items; let myArray3 = []; for (let i = 0; i < myArray1.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < myArray2.length; j++) { if (myArray1[i] === myArray2[j].name) { myArray3.push(myArray2[j]); break; } } } this.fieldOne = myArray3[0]; this.fieldTwo = myArray3[1]; this.fieldThree = myArray3[2]; setTimeout(() => { this.onComboChanged(); this.componentCounter++; }, 300); } } }, openNavigationFilter(item) { // if (item == 1) { // this.$refs.pags.classList.add("position1"); // this.$refs.pags.classList.remove("position2"); // } else { // this.$refs.pags.classList.add("position2"); // this.$refs.pags.classList.remove("position1"); // } // this.$refs.navigationFilter.classList.remove("d-none"); }, statusPag2($event) { this.statusPag = $event; // if(this.statusPag=3){ // this.showtextpag=false; // }else if (this.statusPag=2){ // this.showtextpag=true; // } switch (this.statusPag) { case (this.statusPag = 2): this.$refs.pags.classList.add("position1"); this.$refs.pags.classList.remove("position2"); break; case (this.statusPag = 1): this.$refs.pags.classList.add("position2"); this.$refs.pags.classList.remove("position1"); break; } }, isShowPag(event) { // this.$refs.navigationFilter.classList.add("d-none"); // this.$refs.navigationFilter.classList.remove("position2"); }, //mehdi exportJsonToExcel(evt) { if (evt === "current") { convertJsonToExcelUsingPlugin( this.filterColumns(this.listItem, this.getTableColumns), this.listGetter[this.listGetter.length - 1].key ).finally(() => { this.fetchingDataForExport = false; }); } else if (evt === "all") { if (this.pagination.total > 500) { this.mySwalConfirm({ title: "خطا!!!", html: "حداکثر تعداد قابل خروجی گرفتن، 500 مورد می باشد.لطفا با مدیریت تماس بگیرید.", }).then((result) => { this.getAllListItemForExport(500) .then((response) => { convertJsonToExcelUsingPlugin( this.filterColumns(response.hits.hits, this.getTableColumns), this.listGetter[this.listGetter.length - 1].key ) .then(() => {}) .finally(() => { this.fetchingDataForExport = false; }); }) .finally(() => { this.fetchingDataForExport = false; }); }); } else { this.getAllListItemForExport() .then((response) => { convertJsonToExcelUsingPlugin( this.filterColumns(response.hits.hits, this.getTableColumns), this.listGetter[this.listGetter.length - 1].key ) .then(() => {}) .finally(() => { this.fetchingDataForExport = false; }); }) .finally(() => { this.fetchingDataForExport = false; }); } } }, filterColumns(listItem, columns) { let clonedItems = structuredClone(listItem); let clonedColumns = structuredClone(columns); let filteredItems = []; clonedItems.forEach((item, index) => { let filterObject = {}; clonedColumns.forEach((j) => { filterObject[j.title] = item[j.key]; }); filteredItems[index] = filterObject; }); return filteredItems; }, async getAllListItemForExport(maxAmount = undefined) { if (this.fetchingDataForExport) return; this.fetchingDataForExport = true; let url = repoUrl() + searchApis.navigation.reportItem + `/${this.searchChartActiveSchemaGetter?.index_name}`; url += `/${this.sorting.sortby}/${this.sorting.sortorder}`; url += `/0/${maxAmount ?? this.pagination.total}/`; if (this.listGetter && this.listGetter.length) { if (this.listGetter.length <= this.fields.length) { for (let i = 0; i < this.listGetter.length; i++) { url += `${this.fields[i].name}=${this.listGetter[i].key}`; if (i != this.listGetter.length - 1) url += "&"; } } } try { const { $api } = useNuxtApp(); const res = await $api(url, { baseURL: repoUrl(), method: "POST", body: { organ: this.organNameGetter, system: "navigateChart", build_state: buildState(), }, }); return res; } catch (err) {} }, async updateOrder({ rowItem, newOrder }) { const res = rowItem.subject.filter( (item) => item.title == this.listGetter[this.listGetter.length - 1].key ); const payload = { id: rowItem.id_store, subject_id: res[0].id, subject_title: res[0].title, subject_order: +newOrder, }; const url = repoUrl() + searchApis.subject.order; try { const { $api } = useNuxtApp(); const res = await $api(searchApis.schema.list, { baseURL: repoUrl(), method: "POST", body: payload, }); this.mySwalToast({ title: res.message, html: "", }); } catch (err) {} }, async getComboList() { if (this.fetchingData) return; this.fetchingData = true; let url = repoUrl() + searchApis.navigation.list; url = url.replace("~/entity", this.searchChartActiveSchemaGetter?.key); try { const { $api } = useNuxtApp(); const res = await $api(url, { baseURL: repoUrl(), }); this.navigationOptions = res.data; this.navigationOptions[0].meta = JSON.parse( this.navigationOptions[0].meta ); this.navigationOptions[0].table_columns = JSON.parse( this.navigationOptions[0].table_columns ); this.navigationOptions[0].table_columns_subject = JSON.parse( this.navigationOptions[0].table_columns_subject ); this.SET_SELECTED_PROJECT(this.navigationOptions[0]); this.fetchingData = false; } catch (err) { this.fetchingData = false; } }, onSelectNavigation(evt) { // this.fieldOne = null; // this.fieldTwo = null; // this.fieldThree = null; // this.SET_LIST([]); // this.listItem = []; // this.fields = []; // if (typeof evt?.meta == "string") { // try { // evt.meta = JSON.parse(evt.meta); // evt.table_columns = JSON.parse(evt.table_columns); // evt.table_columns_subject = JSON.parse(evt.table_columns_subject); // } catch (e) {} // } // this.selectedNavigation = evt; // this.searchChartSchemaSetter(); // this.searchChartActiveTabSetter(); this.searchChartActiveSchemaSetter(evt); this.getChartData(); // this.$nextTick(() => { // this.componentCounter++; // }); }, onComboChanged() { this.SET_LIST([]); this.listItem = []; const vm = this; setTimeout(() => { vm.fields = [vm.fieldOne, vm.fieldTwo, vm.fieldThree].filter( (item) => item != null ); vm.componentCounter++; }, 300); }, toggleSidebarMenu() { this.$store.commit("TOGGLE_SIDEBAR_MENU"); }, showToggleListPanel() { this.showListPanel = !this.showListPanel; }, searchInTable() {}, getChartListItems() { const payload = { projectid: this.selectedProjectGetter?.id, item_state: this.selectedProjectGetter?.item_state, ...this.sorting, ...this.pagination, }; const url = this.currentPageName == "list" ? listApis.item.listNotRel : listApis.item.subjectNotRel; ApiService.formData(url, payload) .then((res) => { this.listItem = res.data.data; this.pagination = { ...this.pagination, ...res.data.pagination }; }) .catch((err) => { handleErrors(err); // this.mySwalToast({ // title: response.data.message, // html: "", // text: "لطفا با پشتیبانی تماس بگیرید.", // icon: "error", // }); }); }, }, components: { SearchLayout: defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@search/layouts/SearchLayout.vue") ), ChartContent: defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@search/components/search/view/ChartContent.vue") ), ChartFilterList: defineAsyncComponent(() => import("@search/components/search/view/ChartFilterList.vue") ), // SubjectForm: defineAsyncComponent(() => // import("@search/components/research/components/SubjectForm.vue") // ), // CategoryList: defineAsyncComponent(() => // import("@search/components/search/view/CategoryList.vue") // ), // BaseModal: defineAsyncComponent(() => // import("@search/components/global/BaseModal.vue") // ), }, }; </script> <style lang="scss"> .custom-filter-container { @media screen and (min-width: 575px) { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } .multiselect { // width: 16em; // border: 2px solid rgb(127, 170, 170) !important; border-radius: 0.5em; @media screen and (max-width: 575px) { .multiselect__tags { font-size: 0.8rem; } } } } </style> <style scoped lang="scss"> .main-page__content-header { background: linear-gradient(to top, #fcfcfc 0%, #eee 90%); 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