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2025-02-01 11:06:10 +00:00
<div class="m1 main-page">
<div v-if="showMainpag">
<div class="home-list p-3 m2" ref="myInput3" id="main">
<div class="row mt-1">
class="m-start mt-2 Breadcrumbs"
style="font-size: 12px"
<div class="row mt-2">
class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 d-flex"
style="justify-content: space-around"
v-if="listGetter && listGetter.length"
:class="{ 'text-primary borderBottom': showNavigation }"
class="popUp-tab__clear btn"
style="font-size: 12px"
@click.prevent="showNavigation = true"
:class="{ 'text-primary borderBottom': !showNavigation }"
class="popUp-tab__clear btn"
@click.prevent="showNavigation = false"
style="margin-right: -20px; font-size: 12px"
class="popUp-tab__clear btn"
style="margin-right: -20px"
<span class="tavasi tavasi-Component-21--1"></span>
<hr />
<div class="row" style="margin-top: 1.25rem !important">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div v-if="listGetter && listGetter.length">
<div v-if="showNavigation">
<div class="navigation">
v-for="(item, key) in listGetter"
:class="{ Active: activeItemClass(item) }"
class="d-flex position-relative text-10 mt-2 item-navigation"
@click.prevent="showtext(item, key)"
font-size: 12px;
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
<i class="tavasi tavasi-Component-149--3 ms-1"></i>
{{ item.title }}
<!-- <div
v-for="(item, index, key) in items"
class="d-flex position-relative text-10 mt-2"
'is-selected': ?? false,
:class="{ active: ?? false }"
@click.prevent="showParagraphs(item, index, key)"
style="font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none"
<i class="tavasi tavasi-Component-149--3 ms-1"></i>
{{ item.title }}
</div> -->
<div v-else>
<div class="navigation mt-3" style="max-height: 230px">
style="max-width: 200px; font-size: 12px"
<div v-else>
<div class="navigation mt-3" style="max-height: 230px">
style="max-width: 200px; font-size: 12px"
<!-- <div v-else>
<button @click="showpag=true">
<span class="tavasi tavasi-menu"></span>
</div> -->
<div v-else>
<div class="button-show">
<div class="button-main">
<button @click="showfilter()">
<span class="tavasi tavasi-Component-158--5"></span>
import { mapState, mapActions } from "pinia";
import apis from "~/apis/listApi";
export default {
props: {
listPanelUrl: {
default: "",
emits: ["show-paragraph"],
mounted() {
// this.getListItem();
data() {
return {
id: this.$,
searchText: this.$route.params.searchtext,
statuspag: 1,
showpag: true,
showMainpag: true,
showNavigation: true,
prevActiveIndex: 0,
loading: false,
fetchingData: false,
items: [],
lists: "",
textlists: "",
// pagination: {
// pages: 0,
// total: 0,
// page: 1,
// offset: 0, // page * per_page
// limit: 50, //per_page
// },
computed: {
...mapState("list", [
watch: {
selectedItemGetter(newVal) {
methods: {
...mapActions("list", [
activeItemClass(item) {
if (item.id_store || item._id)
return item.id_store == || item._id ==;
list() {
const storedList = localStorage.getItem("myList");
if (storedList) {
const myList = JSON.parse(storedList);
} else {
console.log("No list found in localStorage.");
showtext(item, key) {
// let items = this.listGetter[key].mindex;
// let cloneItem = structuredClone(item);
// cloneItem = { ...item,mindex:items};
// this.SET_SELECTED_ITEM(cloneItem);
appendclass() {
const listItems = document.querySelectorAll(".item");
listItems.forEach(function (item) {
item.addEventListener("click", function () {
// حذف کلاس "active" از همه المان‌های لیست
listItems.forEach(function (item) {
// اضافه کردن کلاس "active" به المانی که کاربر بر روی آن کلیک کرده است
getHighlight(text) {
if (window.location.href.includes("search")) {
var words = this.searchText.split(" ");
var index = 1;
words.forEach((w) => {
if (w == "" || w == " ") {
let classname = `searchHilight${index}`;
text = text.replaceAll(
"<span class='" + classname + "'>" + w + "</span>"
var w1 = this.normalize(w);
if (w1 != w) {
text = text.replaceAll(
"<span class='" + classname + "'>" + w1 + "</span>"
index = index + 1;
if (index > 5) index = 1;
return text;
} else {
normalize(item) {
item = item.replaceAll("،", "");
item = item.replaceAll(":", "");
item = item.replaceAll(".", "");
item = item.replaceAll("ک", "ك");
item = item.replaceAll("ی", "ي");
item = item.replaceAll("إ", "ا");
item = item.replaceAll("أ", "ا");
item = item.replaceAll("آ", "ا");
item = item.replaceAll("ة", "ت");
return item;
// mehdi
showPanel() {
// this.$emit("hide-panel");
this.$emit("statusPagTest1", (this.statuspag = 2));
this.showMainpag = false;
// this.showpag= false;
showfilter() {
this.$emit("statusPagTest1", (this.statuspag = 1));
// this.$refs.myInput3.classList.remove("d-md-none");
// document.getElementById("main").classList.toggle("d-main-none");
// document.getElementById("main").style.display = "inline-block";
this.showMainpag = true;
listMindex(key) {
if (this.selectedItemGetter !== undefined) {
if (window.location.href.includes("search")) {
var list = this.getHighlight(this.selectedItemGetter.mindex).split(
var tt = "";
list.forEach((list) => {
tt = tt + "<p>" + list + "</p>";
this.textlists = tt;
} else {
var list = this.selectedItemGetter.mindex.split("\n");
var tt = "";
list.forEach((list) => {
tt = tt + "<p>" + list + "</p>";
this.textlists = tt;
// showfilter() {
// this.$ref.myInput.classList.remove("hide");
// this.showpag1=true
// },
// hidefilter() {
// this.$ref.myInput.classList.add("hide");
// this.showpag1=false
// },
// mehdi
showParagraphs(item, index) {
this.$emit("show-paragraph", item);
this.items[this.prevActiveIndex]["active"] =false;
this.items[index]["active"] =true;
this.prevActiveIndex = index;
showParagraphs1(item, key) {
this.$emit("show-paragraph1", item);
// getListItem() {
// if (this.fetchingData) return;
// this.fetchingData = true;
// const payload = {
// projectid: this.selectedProjectGetter?.id,
// item_state: this.selectedProjectGetter?.item_state,
// listid: this.listIdGetter,
// subjectid: this.listIdGetter,
// bychilds: 0,
// ...this.pagination,
// // offset: offset,
// // limit: this.pagination.limit,
// };
// let url = apis.listItem.list;
// if (this.$route.params.prevPage == "subjects")
// url = apis.subjectRelation.list;
// ApiService.formData(url, payload)
// .then((res) => {
// this.items =;
// this.items.forEach((element, index) => {
// if ( == {
// element["active"] = true;
// this.prevActiveIndex = index;
// }
// });
// this.pagination = { ...this.pagination, };
// })
// .catch((err) => {
// this.mySwalToast({
// title:,
// html: "",
// text: "",
// icon: "error",
// });
// })
// .finally(() => {
// this.fetchingData = false;
// });
// },
goToListPage() {
const routeName = this.$route.params.prevPage;
name: routeName,
loadMore($event) {
// const listElm = document.querySelector("#last-search");
const listElm = $;
const vm = this;
if (vm.busy) return;
if (listElm.scrollTop + listElm.clientHeight >= listElm.scrollHeight) {
this.busy = true;
vm.pagination.offset = vm.pagination.offset + vm.pagination.limit;
if ( > vm.pagination.offset) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
} else {
title: "کاربر محترم",
html: "دیگر رکوردی جهت بارگزاری وجود ندارد.",
icon: "info",
position: "bottom-start",
vm.busy = false;
} else vm.busy = false;
getListOnScroll() {
if (this.fetchingData) return;
this.fetchingData = true;
const payload = {
projectid: this.selectedProjectGetter?.id,
item_state: this.selectedProjectGetter?.item_state,
listid: this.listIdGetter,
subjectid: this.listIdGetter,
bychilds: 0,
let url = apis.listItem.list;
if (this.$route.params.prevPage == "subjects")
url = apis.subjectRelation.list;
ApiService.formData(url, payload)
.then((res) => {
this.items = [...this.items,];
this.pagination = { ...this.pagination, };
.finally(() => {
this.busy = false;
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