
442 lines
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2025-02-04 12:40:58 +00:00
import apis from "~/apis/tahrirApi";
// import tinyTahrir from "assets/tahrir/vendors/tinymce-files/tinytahrir";
export default {
created() {
this.httpService = useNuxtApp()["$http"];
// beforeMount() {
// this.commentHttpService = new HttpService(
// import.meta.env.VITE_TAHRIR_BASE_URL
// );
// },
destroyed() {
// window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.handleScroll);
data() {
return {
id: "",
comments: [],
newComment: false,
selectedText: null,
globalGuid: undefined,
paragraphId: undefined,
paragraphParentId: undefined,
commentHttpService: undefined,
methods: {
open comment form when user select a text
onMouseUp($event) {
// Get selected text and encode it
const selection = encodeURIComponent(
if (selection) {
this.selectedText = selection;
// this.createPopup($event);
extract user selected text
getSelected() {
if (window.getSelection) {
return window.getSelection();
} else if (document.getSelection) {
return document.getSelection();
} else {
var selection = document.selection && document.selection.createRange();
if (selection.text) {
return selection.text;
return false;
setParagraphId(ev) {
this.paragraphId =;
this.paragraphParentId =;
create comment popup and place it on top fo the selected text;
createPopup(event) {
// this.openCommentForm();
// Get cursor position
// const posX = event.clientX - 130;
// const posY = event.clientY - 200;
// const posX = event.clientX;
// const posY = event.clientY;
// try {
// this.$refs.popupMenu.$ = posY + "px";
// this.$refs.popupMenu.$ = posX + "px";
// this.$refs.popupMenu.$ = 1;
// }
// catch(err) {
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.$refs.popupMenu.$ = posY + "px";
// this.$refs.popupMenu.$ = posX + "px";
// this.$refs.popupMenu.$ = 1;
// }, 700);
// }
openCommentForm() {
this.newComment = true;
summary: save selected text
description: replace selected text with the new span.tcomment tag and then save it.
send a new request to api for saving the comment.
then update/replace paragraph content with newely created content.
then crawle all paragraphs for .tcomment ids.
then request api for paragraphs comments.
@fires when user clicked on comment popup save button.
@param {userComment} Html user comment.
@return void.
saveSelectedTextComment(userComment) {
const url = tahrirUrl()+ apis.comments.addCommentToSelectedParag;
const replacedContent = this.replaceSelectedText();
const payload = {
content: replacedContent,
guid: this.paragraphId,
.formDataRequest(url, payload)
.then((res) => {
this.newComment = false;
text: userComment,
pid: this.globalGuid,
.catch((err) => {
html: err?.message,
.finally(() => (this.loading = false));
summary: save comment
send a new request to api for saving the comment.
then update/replace paragraph content with newely created content.
then crawle all paragraphs for .tcomment ids.
then request api for paragraphs comments.
@fires when saveSelectedTextComment method completed...
@param {text} String user comment.
@param {pid} String globalGuid.
@param {replacedContent} Html user comment.
@return void.
addComment({ text, pid }, replacedContent) {
const payload = { text: JSON.stringify(text) };
const url = tahrirUrl()+ apis.comments.add + "/" + pid;
this.commentHttpService.formDataRequest(url, payload).then((res) => {
this.crawlParagsForCommentId(this.localParagraphs).then((guidList) => {
html: res.message,
summary: update paragraph content property
description: update paragraph old content property with updated content.
@fires when addComment method completed...
@param {replacedContent} Html user comment.
@return void.
updateParagraphContentProperty(replacedContent) {
this.localParagraphs.forEach((pars) => {
if ( == this.paragraphParentId.slice(7))
pars.content = replacedContent;
summary: update new comment form position
description: update position of new comment form when scrolling.
@fires when user scroll
@param {event} event window scroll event.
@return void.
updateCommentFormTopPosition(event) {
// Find out how much (if any) user has scrolled
var scrollTop =
window.screenY !== undefined
? window.screenY
: (
document.documentElement ||
document.body.parentNode ||
const posY = event.clientY - 200 + scrollTop;
this.$ = posY + "px";
summary: comment list
description: getting list of comments from the api.
@fires after page crawl for tcomment complete.
@param {array} guidList paragraph's comment ids.
@return void.
getComments(guidList) {
const payload = {
pids: guidList,
.formDataRequest(tahrirUrl()+apis.comments.documentComment, payload)
.then((res) => {
if ( this.attachCommentsToParags(;
summary: attach comments to paragraphs object
description: loop over paragraphs and find paragraphs that
its content property math the comment id catched from the api.
@fires after getComment method called.
@param {object}
@return void.
attachCommentsToParags(comments) {
try {
this.localParagraphs.forEach((parag) => {
const commentList = [];
Object.keys(comments).forEach((value) => {
if (parag.content.includes(value))
this.$set(parag, "comments", commentList);
} catch (err) {
this.comments = comments;
this.fetchingData = false;
summary: replace selected text with new span.
description: find the parent paragraph with its refs and
then replace the selected text with new span.
@fires when saveSelectedTextComment method called.
@return Html.
replaceSelectedText() {
const text = decodeURIComponent(this.selectedText);
this.globalGuid = this.newGuid();
const replacementTag = `<mark id="${this.globalGuid}" class="c01206 c01172 c01173"><span class="c01186" id="19">${text} </span> <span class="c01210 c01209">ORG<span class="c01174">×</span></span></mark>`;
const refContent = this.$refs[this.paragraphParentId];
refContent.innerHTML = refContent.innerHTML.replace(text, replacementTag);
return refContent.innerHTML;
closeCommentForm() {
this.newComment = false;
summary: crawl paragraphs for .tcomment.
description: crawl paragraph fot .tcomment tags and getting its id.
@fires when addComment method called.
@return Html.
async crawlParagsForCommentId(pars) {
return await pars
.map((par) => {
if (par?.content.includes("tcomment"))
return this.geCommenttIds(par.content);
.filter((item) => item)
summary: create unique id.
@fires when crawlParagsForCommentId method called.
@return string.
newGuid() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(
function (c) {
var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,
v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
summary: separate spans id property..
@fires when crawlParagsForCommentId method called.
@return string.
geCommenttIds(content) {
var ids = "";
var regex =
/\<span id=\\{0,1}\"([a-z0-9-]*?)\\{0,1}\" class=\\{0,1}\"tcomment\\{0,1}\".*?\>/g;
var m = regex.exec(content);
while (m !== null) {
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
if (ids != "") ids += ",";
ids += m[1];
m = regex.exec(content);
return ids;
handleScroll(event) {
// Any code to be executed when the window is scrolled
summary: hide/show other paragraphs comments.
description: when user clicked on comment, hide other
comments and add active class to .tcomment tag in the paragraph
@fires when user open/close the comments.
@param {object} paragraph
@param {Number} commentIndex
@return void.
hideOtherComments({ paragraph, commentIndex }) {
const _this = this;
_this.localParagraphs.forEach((par) => {
// parse other paragraphs
if ( != {
if (par.comments?.length) {
par.comments.forEach((com, index) => {
const res = com.isShow == undefined ? false : !com.isShow;
_this.$set(par.comments[index], "isShow", res);
// parse selected paragraph
else {
if (par.comments?.length) {
par.comments.forEach((com, index) => {
// hide sibling comments in the active paragraph.
if (index != commentIndex) {
const res = com.isShow == undefined ? false : !com.isShow;
_this.$set(par.comments[index], "isShow", res);
// toggle paragraph .tcomment class
else {
_this.$refs["parent-" +][0].children[0].children
).forEach((child) => {
if ( == com[0].pid) {
removSpan(comment) {
const spanTag = document.getElementsById(;
const rawText = spanTag.innerHTML;
this.paragraph.content = this.paragraph.content.replace(spanTag, rawText);
return this.paragraph.content;
saveChangeSelectedTextComment(userComment) {
const url = apis.comments.addCommentToSelectedParag;
const replacedContent = this.removSpan();
const payload = {
content: replacedContent,
guid: this.paragraphId,
ApiService.formData(url, payload)
.then((res) => {
this.newComment = false;
text: userComment,
pid: this.globalGuid,
.catch((err) => {
html: err?.message,
.finally(() => (this.loading = false));