378 lines
11 KiB
378 lines
11 KiB
// import HttpService from "~/services/httpService";
import chatApi from "@chat/apis/chatApi";
// import repoApi from "~/apis/repoApi";
export default {
beforeMount() {
this.httpService = useNuxtApp()["$http"];
methods: {
closeList() {
// this.footerAction = actionName;
this.menubarStatus = !this.menubarStatus;
// this.$root.$emit("show-search", this.menubarStatus);
initServices() {
// const headers = {
// "app-id": import.meta.env.VITE_APP_ID,
// lang: import.meta.env.VITE_LANG,
// "app-version-code": import.meta.env.VITE_APP_VERSION,
// };
this.fileUploadHttpService = new HttpService(
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
// this.issueHttpService = new HttpService(
// import.meta.env.VITE_REPO_BASE_URL + "jahat/"
// );
this.httpService = new HttpService(
// headers
// this.keyValueHttpService = new HttpService(
// import.meta.env.VITE_KEY_VALUE_BASE_URL
// );
// this.messageHttpService = new HttpService(
// import.meta.env.VITE_MESSAGE_BASE_URL
// );
openAuthModal() {
if (!this.isGuest && this.listGetter?.show_joined) {
// fired event cached in the Group.vue and ChatList.vue
else this.showAuthModal = true;
closeAuthModal() {
this.showAuthModal = false;
getFileExtension(filename) {
return filename?.split("/").pop();
formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {
if (!+bytes) return "0 Bytes";
const k = 1024;
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
const sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm))} ${sizes[i]}`;
async handlePasteEvent(e) {
this.uploadDescription = null;
// navigator is not supported in the firefox.
if (!navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox/")) {
// catching the pasted text and place it into the comment form.
.then((text) => {
if (this.showReplays) {
icon: "info",
title: "جایگزاری در فرم پیام ها؟",
html: "",
text: "متن کپی شده در فرم اصلی جایگزاری شود یا فرم پاسخ ها؟",
confirmButtonText: "بله",
cancelButtonText: "خیر",
didOpen: (toast) => {},
showCloseButton: true,
willClose: () => {
didClose() {
}).then((result) => {
if (result.isConfirmed) {
if (this.userMessage?.length) {
this.userMessage += " " + text;
} else {
this.userMessage = text;
// this.userMessage = this.userMessage
// ? this.userMessage + text
// : text;
} else if (result.isDismissed && result.dismiss == "cancel") {
if (this.replayText?.length) {
this.replayText += " " + text;
} else {
this.replayText = text;
// this.replayText = this.replayText
// ? this.replayText + text
// : text;
// const res = confirm("جایگزاری در فرم پیام ها؟");
// if (res) this.userMessage = text;
// else this.replayText = text;
} else {
if (this.userMessage?.length) {
this.userMessage += " " + text;
} else {
this.userMessage = text;
// this.userMessage = this.userMessage
// ? this.userMessage + text
// : text;
.catch((err) => {
console.error("Failed to read clipboard contents: ", err);
const clipboardItems =
typeof navigator?.clipboard?.read === "function"
? await navigator.clipboard.read()
: e.clipboardData.files;
for (const clipboardItem of clipboardItems) {
let blob;
if (clipboardItem.type?.startsWith("image/")) {
let fileType = clipboardItem?.type?.split("/")[1];
// For files from `e.clipboardData.files`.
blob = clipboardItem;
this.files = [];
this.files.push(new File([blob], fileType));
// this.files.push(blob);
this.showDroppedList = true;
this.dropBoxClass = "messages";
} else {
// For files from `navigator.clipboard.read()`.
const imageTypes = clipboardItem.types?.filter((type) =>
for (const imageType of imageTypes) {
let fileType = imageType.split("/")[1];
blob = await clipboardItem.getType(imageType);
this.files = [];
this.files.push(new File([blob], fileType));
this.showDroppedList = true;
this.dropBoxClass = "messages";
// 0: "image/png"
// 0: "text/plain"
// 1: "text/html"
checkPermisionBeforGetList() {
permission: `${this.$route.name}_list`,
_this: this,
.then(() => {
this.canView = true;
.catch(() => {
this.canView = false;
replaceTextWithLink(text) {
const clonedText = text;
try {
const Rexp =
// Replace the RegExp content by HTML element
return text.replace(
`<a href="${clonedText}" title="${clonedText}" target='_blank'>${clonedText}</a>`
} catch (err) {
return text;
saveLabel(selectedLabel, comment) {
if (this.savingComment) return;
this.savingComment = true;
let payload = {
group_id: this.listGetter.id,
id: comment.id,
entity_field_id: selectedLabel,
let url = "message/" + chatApi.messages.create;
.formDataRequest(url, payload)
.then((res) => {
comment.entity_field_id = selectedLabel;
// this.getMessages();
.catch((err) => {})
.finally(() => {
this.savingComment = false;
getMids(messages) {
return messages.map((message) => message.id);
showfilters() {
this.$emit("my-event", (this.statusPage = 1));
closefilter() {
this.showFilter = false;
groupDescription(text) {
let res = "";
try {
res = JSON.parse(text);
} catch (err) {
res = text;
return res;
showMessageSearch() {
this.$root.$emit("show-search", true);
// this.$emit("show-search");
async onResult(data) {
// در صورت استفاده از پلاگین ،برای متوقف کردن
// علامت ضبط صدا از روی تب، بایستی از این کدها استفاده شود.
// const audioTracks = this.mediaStream.getAudioTracks();
// audioTracks.forEach((element) => {
// element.stop();
// });
this.files = [];
this.files.push(new File([data], "mp3"));
// if (this.abortRecord) return;
// this.abortRecord = true;
this.mainSaveFiles().then(() => {
// this.recording = false;
// this.abortRecord = false;
async makeLink(comment) {
const params = new URLSearchParams({
["group-id"]: this.listGetter.id,
["message-id"]: comment.id,
let link = location.origin + location.pathname + "?" + params.toString();
link += "#chat-item-" + comment.id;
try {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(link);
html: "لینک کپی شد.",
} catch (err) {
html: "خطایی رخ داد.لطفا دوباره امتحان کنید.",
updateMessageCount() {
const currentUserModel = {
avatar: this.currentUser.user_data.avatar,
color: 40080,
first_name: this.currentUser.user_data.avatar,
full_name: this.currentUser.user_data.avatar,
id: this.currentUser.user_id,
last_name: this.currentUser.user_data.last_name,
user_id: this.currentUser.user_id,
username: this.currentUser.user_data.username,
// finding the target comment by id.
this.localComments.forEach((com) => {
// if comment id is equal to the comment user want to replay.
if (com.id == this.replayTo.id) {
// increment the comment count.
this.$set(com.replys, "count", ++com.replys.count);
// if comment has users, then
if (com.replys.users.length) {
// finding the index of the user by current user id.
const index = com.replys.users.find(
(user) => user.user_id == this.currentUser.user_id
// if current user didn't exist, then push it to comments users array.
if (index == -1) com.replys.users.push(currentUserModel);
} else com.replys.users.push(currentUserModel);
// com.replys.count++;
// let payload = {
// group_id: this.listGetter.id,
// contact_id:
// this.$route.name == "privates" ? this.listGetter.user : undefined,
// ...this.pagination,
// };
// this.httpService
// .postRequest(chatApi.messages.virtualList, payload)
// .then((response) => {
// if (response.data && response.data.length) {
// // this.replayUsers = structuredClone(response.users);
// this.localComments = response.data;
// this.setUsers(this.localComments, response.users);
// }
// });
setUsers(list, responseUsers) {
list.forEach((listItem) => {
listItem.user = responseUsers.find(
(user) => user.user_id == listItem.user
if (listItem.replys)
listItem.replys.users = this.allReplayers(listItem, responseUsers);
limitText(count) {
return `و ${count} کاربر دیگر`;
parseText(text) {
try {
return JSON.parse(text);
} catch (err) {
return text;
resetPagination() {
this.pagination = {
page: 0,
total: 0,
pageTop: 0,
pageBottom: 1,
seenDate: null,