import chatApi from "~/apis/chatApi"; // import repoApi from "~/apis/repoApi"; export default { beforeMount() { this.httpService = useNuxtApp()["$http"]; }, methods: { async getMessages( fill_limit = false, by_first_message = false, seen_date = undefined, page = undefined, message_id = undefined ) { // if (this.fetchingData) return; // this.fetchingData = true; let group_id = undefined; let contact_id = undefined; let filter_users = this.selectedGroupMember ?? []; let filter_labels = this.selectedMessageLabel ?? []; group_id = this.listGetter.group_id ??; if (this.isRedirectedFromOtherSystems && this.groupId) group_id = this.listGetter.group_id ?? this.groupId; else if (this.$ == "privates") { group_id = undefined; contact_id = this.listGetter?.user; } else if (this.$ == "unReads") { if (this.listGetter.icon_type == 1) contact_id = this.listGetter.user_seen; else group_id =; } if (seen_date == undefined) seen_date = this.pagination.seen_date; //پیام منطبق با تاریخ درخواستی نیاید if (!by_first_message && seen_date > 0) seen_date++; if (page == undefined) page =; let payload = { group_id: group_id, contact_id: contact_id, offset: 0, limit: this.limit, filter_users: filter_users, filter_labels: filter_labels, seen_date: seen_date, page: page, message_id: message_id, }; if (this.$route.query["invite-id"]) payload["invite_id"] = this.$route.query["invite-id"]; if (fill_limit) payload.fill_limit = 1; if (message_id != undefined) payload.seen_date = 0; return await this.httpService .postRequest("message/" + chatApi.messages.virtualList, payload) .then((response) => { if ( {, index) => { if (this.isRedirectedFromOtherSystems && this.messageId) { = == this.messageId; this.prevSelectedItemIndex = index; } if (this.isRedirectedFromOtherSystems && this.userId) { = == this.userId; this.prevSelectedItemIndex = index; } item.user = response.users.find( (user) => user.user_id == item.user ); if (item.replys) item.replys.users = this.allReplayers(item, response.users); }); } =; // this.showList = true; // this.busy = false; return response; }) .finally(() => { // this.fetchingData = false; }); }, save(ev, textAreaName, container) { // disable scroll when saving data. this.busy = true; if (this.savingComment) return; this.savingComment = true; // اگر پیام هدایت شده باشد و کاربر پیامی نوشته نباشد. if ( this.isForward && (this.userMessage == null || this.userMessage == "") ) { this.saveForward() .then((res) => { this.pagination.offset = 0; this.seenDate = -1; this.onSendMessage(; // this.localComments.push(; // this.setVirtualListToBottom(); // this.toLastItem(); }) .catch((err) => { if ( response.status == 403 && &&[0]?.is_guest ) { this.openAuthModal(); } }) .finally(() => { this.mainCommentor = undefined; this.userMessage = null; this.savingComment = false; this.replyComment = false; this.isMainEditMode = false; this.isForward = false; this.SET_FORWARD_ITEM(); }); // اگر پیام هدایت شده باشد و کاربر پیامی نوشته باشد. } else if ( this.isForward && (this.userMessage != null || this.userMessage != "") ) { this.saveForward().then(() => { let payload = { text: this.userMessage, group_id:, id: this.mainCommentor?.id ?? undefined, contact_id: undefined, replyto: this.replayTo?.id ?? undefined, }; // private route condition if (this.$ == "privates") { payload = { text: this.userMessage, contact_id: this.listGetter.user, }; } // if user pressed save from right form(main), empty the replayto field. if (container === "messages") { payload.replyto = undefined; } let url = "message/" + chatApi.messages.create; payload.text = this.replaceTextWithLink(payload.text); this.httpService .formDataRequest(url, payload) .then((res) => { // this.mySwalToast({ // html: res?.message ?? "", // }); // if (this.isMainEditMode) { // this.mainCommentor = undefined; // } // this.userMessage = null; this.pagination.offset = 0; this.seenDate = -1; this.onSendMessage(; }) .catch((err) => { if ( response.status == 403 && &&[0]?.is_guest ) { this.openAuthModal(); } }) .finally(() => { this.mainCommentor = undefined; this.userMessage = null; this.savingComment = false; this.replyComment = false; this.isMainEditMode = false; this.isForward = false; this.SET_FORWARD_ITEM(); }); }); // حالت معمولی(هدایت نشده باشد.) } else { let payload = { text: this.userMessage, group_id:, id: this.mainCommentor?.id ?? undefined, contact_id: undefined, replyto: this.replayTo?.id ?? undefined, }; // private route condition if (this.$ == "privates") { payload = { text: this.userMessage, id: this.mainCommentor?.id ?? undefined, contact_id: this.listGetter.user, }; } // if user pressed save from right form(main), empty the replayto field. if (container === "messages") { payload.replyto = {}; } let url = "message/" + chatApi.messages.create; payload.text = this.replaceTextWithLink(payload.text); this.httpService .formDataRequest(url, payload) .then((res) => { // this.mySwalToast({ // html: res?.message ?? "", // }); if (this.isMainEditMode) { this.mainCommentor = undefined; } // this.$root.emit('update-group-list') this.userMessage = null; this.toLastItem(); }) .catch(({ response }) => { if ( response.status == 403 && &&[0]?.is_guest ) { this.openAuthModal(); } }) .finally(() => { this.savingComment = false; this.replyComment = false; this.isMainEditMode = false; this.SET_FORWARD_ITEM(); }); } this.closeReplays(); }, deleteItem(comment, index, editFrom, replayFrom) { if (this.buttonLoading) return; this.buttonLoading = true; let html = `آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این پیام را حذف کنید؟`; if (comment?.replys?.count > 0) html = `آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این پیام را حذف کنید؟
با حذف این پیام، رشته‌ٔ پاسخ آن (شامل ${comment.replys.count} پاسخ) نیز حذف خواهد شد. `; this.mySwalConfirm({ title: "هشدار!!!", html, }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { let payload = { group_id:, contact_id: undefined, messages_id: [], }; if (this.$ == "privates") { payload = { group_id: undefined, contact_id: this.listGetter.user, messages_id: [], }; } let url = "message/" + chatApi.privates.delete; this.httpService .postRequest(url, payload) .then((res) => { // this.mySwalToast({ // title: "", // html: res.message, // }); // this.updateMessageCount(); if (replayFrom == "replays") this.replays.splice(index, 1); else { this.localComments.splice(index, 1); this.closeReplays(); } // this.getMessages(); }) .catch((err) => {}) .finally(() => { this.buttonLoading = false; // this.showList = !this.showList; }); } else this.buttonLoading = false; }); }, deleteMany() { if (this.buttonLoading) return; this.buttonLoading = true; this.mySwalConfirm({ title: "هشدار!!!", html: "آیا مطمئن هستید که می‌خواهید این پیام را حذف کنید؟", }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { let payload = { group_id:, contact_id: undefined, messages_id: this.selectedCommentsId, }; if (this.$ == "privates") { payload = { group_id: undefined, contact_id: this.listGetter.user, messages_id: this.selectedCommentsId, }; } let url = "message/" + chatApi.privates.delete; this.httpService .postRequest(url, payload) .then((res) => { this.mySwalToast({ title: "", html: res.message, }); this.selectedCommentsId.forEach((id) => { this.localComments = this.localComments.filter( (fi) => != id ); }); this.selectedCommentsId = []; this.showSelectionActionBar = false; // this.pagination.offset = 0; // this.pagination.seenDate = -1; // = -1; // this.pagination.pageBottom = 0; // this.pagination.pageTop = -1; // this.toLastItem(); }) .catch((err) => {}) .finally(() => { this.buttonLoading = false; // this.showList = !this.showList; }); } }); }, onSendMessage(message) { this.localComments.push(message); this.$nextTick(() => { this.setVirtualListToBottom(); }); }, editComment(comment, listRefName, editModeName) { try { this.$refs[listRefName].style.removeProperty("height"); } catch (err) { this.$refs[listRefName].style.height = null; } if (editModeName == "isMainEditMode") { this.mainCommentor = comment; this.isMainEditMode = true; this.userMessage = this.parseText(comment.text); } else { this.replayCommentor = comment; this.isReplayEditMode = true; this.replayText = this.parseText(comment.text); } }, replyComments(comment, listRefName) { try { this.$refs[listRefName].style.removeProperty("height"); } catch (err) { this.$refs[listRefName].style.height = null; } this.replayText = null; this.replayCommentor = comment; this.isReplayEditMode = true; // this.commentor = comment; }, openReplays(comment, index) { this.replayFirstLoad = true; // this.replayPagination.seen_date =-1; // this.SET_SELECTED_ITEM(comment); this.replayTo = comment; this.markActive(this.localComments, index); // fill_limit = false, // by_first_message = false, // seen_date = undefined, // page = undefined, // message_id = undefined this.getReplays(false, false, comment.created_at, 0).then((response) => { this.replays = response?.data ?? []; this.replayPagination.seen_date = response?.pagination.new_seen_date; this.showReplays = true; }); }, closeComments(isEditModeName) { this.isForward = false; this.replyComment = false; this[isEditModeName] = false; this.userMessage = null; // try { // this.$"height"); // this.$"height"); // } catch (err) { // this.$ = null; // this.$ = null; // } }, markActive(comments, index) { if (this.prevSelectedItemIndex != index) { this.$set(comments[this.prevSelectedItemIndex], "active", false); } this.prevSelectedItemIndex = index; this.$set(comments[index], "active", true); }, }, };