// vitest.config.ts
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
import { defineVitestConfig } from "@nuxt/test-utils/config";
// import { loadEnv } from "vite";

export default defineVitestConfig({
  test: {
    // You can alternatively set environment: 'nuxt' in your
    //  Vitest configuration to enable the Nuxt environment for all tests.
    // you can optionally set Nuxt-specific environment options
    // environmentOptions: {
    //   nuxt: {
    //     rootDir: fileURLToPath(new URL("./playground", import.meta.url)),
    //     domEnvironment: "happy-dom", // 'happy-dom' (default) or 'jsdom'
    //     overrides: {
    //       // other Nuxt config you want to pass
    //     },
    //     mock: {
    //       intersectionObserver: true,
    //       indexedDb: true,
    //     },
    //   },
    // },