// stylelint-disable at-rule-no-vendor-prefix, declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type, property-no-vendor-prefix // Reboot // // Normalization of HTML elements, manually forked from Normalize.css to remove // styles targeting irrelevant browsers while applying new styles. // // Normalize is licensed MIT. https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css // Document // html { font-family: $VITE_FONT_FAMILY; // 2 line-height: 1.15; // 3 -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 4 -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba($black, 0); // 5 text-align: right; direction: rtl; &[dir="ltr"] { text-align: left; direction: ltr; body { text-align: left; // 3 } } } // Body // // 1. Remove the margin in all browsers. // 2. As a best practice, apply a default `background-color`. // 3. Set an explicit initial text-align value so that we can later use // the `inherit` value on things like `