import type { UseFetchOptions } from "nuxt/app"; export async function useAPI( url: string | (() => string), options?: UseFetchOptions ) { const prexFixUrlWithApiName = import.meta.env.NUXT_PUBLIC_API_NAME+ url; return await useFetch(prexFixUrlWithApiName, { ...options, $fetch: useNuxtApp().$api, }); // when setting lazy:true, we can use pending. // const { data, error, pending } = useFetch(url, { // lazy: true, // }); // const { data, error, pending } = useLazyFetch(url); // const { data, error, pending } = useLazyAsyncData(url); } // $fetch : very similar like fetch command. // we can use it on client and server the same way. // useAsyncData : it does the same thing on the clien and server. // it let us use async data. data that we need to wait to resolced. // export const useApi2 = async (url, options) => { // return await useAsyncData(() => $fetch(url)); // };