@use "sass:math"; $blue: rgb(0, 186, 186) !default; $body-direction: $VITE_DIRECTION !default; $gray-600: #6c757d !default; $grid-columns: 12 !default; $grid-gutter-width: 30px !default; $grid-row-columns: 6 !default; $body-color: #000 !default; $grid-breakpoints: ( xs: 0, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1500px, xxxl: 1700px, fhd: 1900px, ufhd: 2000px, ) !default; $border-radius: .5rem !default; // $border-radius-lg: 1.3rem !default; // $border-radius-sm: 1.2rem !default; // border radius $input-border-radius: 0.5rem !default; $font-family-base: $VITE_FONT_FAMILY !default; $input-color: #212529 !default; $input-btn-padding-y: 0.175rem !default; $input-btn-focus-color: none !default; $input-btn-focus-box-shadow: none !default; $input-height: 2.5em !default; // $card-group-margin: math.div($grid-gutter-width, 2) !default; $breadcrumb-padding-y: 0 !default; $breadcrumb-padding-x: 0 !default; $breadcrumb-item-padding: 0.5rem !default; $breadcrumb-margin-bottom: 0 !default; $breadcrumb-bg: transparent !default; $breadcrumb-divider-color: $gray-600 !default; $breadcrumb-active-color: $gray-600 !default; $breadcrumb-divider: quote("/") !default; $breadcrumb-border-radius: 0 !default; // Tables // // Customizes the `.table` component with basic values, each used across all table variations. $table-striped-order: even !default; $table-accent-bg: rgb(249, 250, 251); $table-border-width: 1px; $table-border-color: #e5e7eb; .table-container .table-responsive .table thead tr:not(.table-search-form) { // background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #96dab0 0%, #f4ffff 90%) !important; color: rgb(55, 65, 81); // background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251); } .table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n) { background-color: rgb(249, 250, 251); } // font weight $font-weight-semi-bold: 600 !default; .font-weight-semi-bold { font-weight: $font-weight-semi-bold !important; }