import { mapState, mapActions } from "pinia"; import { useAuthStore } from "~/stores/authStore"; export default { data() { return { // mobile: "", // username: "", // password: "", // email: "", // repassword: "", loading: false, submitStatus: null, enableResendCode: false, }; }, computed: { ...mapState(useAuthStore, ["isGuest"]), }, methods: { ...mapActions(useAuthStore, [ "login", "logout", "forget", "register", "getCaptcha", "phoneLogin", "loginAsGuest", "resetPassword", "loginWithGoogle", "getActivationCode", ]), // callFrom : page | modal async authBase(methodName, callFrom = "page") { const toast = useToast(); // this.$v.$touch(); const route = useRoute(); const router = useRouter(); const isFormCorrect = await this.v$.$validate(); if (!isFormCorrect) { // Notify user that the form is invalid this.submitStatus = "ERROR"; return; } else { // do your submit logic here this.submitStatus = "PENDING"; if (this.loading) return false; this.loading = true; this[methodName]() .then((res) => { toast.add({ title: res.message, icon: "success", timer: 2000, }); if (callFrom == "modal") { // fired event cached in the Group.vue and ChatList.vue const { $eventBus } = useNuxtApp(); $eventBus.emit( "authenticated-by-modal", route.query["invite-id"] ); } // if redirected from chat system to relogin. else { if (route.query.redirectBack) { navigateTo({ path: route.query.path, }); // router.push({ path: route.query.path }); } // normal mode. else { navigateTo({ path: "/", }); // router.push({ path: "/" }); } } }) .catch((err) => { toast.add({ title: err.message, icon: "error", timer: 2000, }); this.resetCaptcha(); }) .finally(() => { this.loading = false; }); } }, doregister() { return this.register({ name:, last_name: this.last_name, username: this.username, password: this.password, email:, mobile:, captcha: this.captcha, }); }, dologin() { return this.login({ username: this.username, password: this.password, captcha: this.captcha, }); }, loginGuest() { if (this.loading) return false; this.loading = true; this.loginAsGuest() .then((res) => { // mySwalToast({ // title: "خوش آمدید.", // icon: "success", // timer: 1000, // }); const router = useRouter(); router.push({ name: "dashboard", }); }) .catch((err) => { mySwalToast({ title: err.message, icon: "error", }); }) .finally(() => { this.loading = false; }); // return this.loginAsGuest(); }, loginWithGoogle() { if (this.loading) return false; this.loading = true; var vm = this; this.$gAuth .signIn() .then((GoogleUser) => { var id_token = ""; for (var key in GoogleUser) for (var k in GoogleUser[key]) if (k == "id_token") id_token = GoogleUser[key][k]; vm.doLoginGoogle(id_token); }) .catch((error) => { mySwalToast({ title: "خطا", text: error, icon: "error", position: "bottom-end", showConfirmButton: false, toast: true, timer: 1500, }); }) .finally(() => { this.loading = false; }); }, doLoginGoogle(token) { this.loginWithGoogle({ token: token, }) .then(() => { const router = useRouter(); router.push({ name: "systems", }); }) .catch(() => {}) .finally(() => { this.loading = false; }); }, goBack() { const router = useRouter(); router.go(-1); }, resetCaptcha() { this.getCaptcha().then((res) => { this.captchaImage = `data:image/jpeg; charset=utf-8; base64, ${res}`; }); }, }, };